Birth announcement, wooden birth announcement, boho birth sign, hello mi name is, sign, new born props, photo props, new born name sign
Birth announcement, wooden birth announcement, boho birth sign, hello mi name is, sign, new born props, photo props, new born name sign
$16.24 $23.20
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Birth announcement, wooden birth announcement, boho birth sign, hello mi name is, sign, new born props, photo props, new born name sign
Perfect Birth announcement
Select Name color acrylic
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Reviews (2)
Jul 10, 2023

The work produced a quality piece. I can’t deny that. I was unfortunate to have my sons name end with a ‘y’, so his second name got put at the end of the piece, which offset the balance of the sign. I didn’t like that. When I took a picture, the ‘b’ of his second name got lost behind the ‘y’. I had asked if I could return the sign just to have the equilibrium fixed, but I was asked to reorder it to have the middle name moved to the middle. I just chose to order one elsewhere.
Mar 6, 2023